Outlook Online has a Snooze function, just like Gmail. Use it to move items out of your inbox until you’re ready to deal with them and stop your inbox from filling up with emails you don’t need right now.

Gmail’s Snooze option was one of those new functions that was so obvious in hindsight that you wonder why no one did it sooner. You select an email, choose a snooze time, and it disappears out of your inbox, only to reappear as if by magic at the required time. Brilliant!

Obviously, Microsoft thought so, too, because the company has added its own version of Snooze to Outlook Online. If you’re used to Gmail’s Snooze, the good news is that Outlook’s version works in pretty much the same way, except it uses folders rather than labels. Let’s take a look.

You can find the Snooze option on Outlook Online’s toolbar above the Inbox.

Snooze only works in the Inbox, so if you have an email elsewhere that you want to snooze, either move it to the Inbox in Outlook Online or mark it for Follow Up in the Outlook client instead.

Once you have selected an email, click the “Snooze” button to choose when you want the message to reappear.

The default times can’t be changed, so if none of them are suitable for you, select the “Choose A Date” option.

Choose the date and time that you want the email to reappear and then click the “Save” button.

Once you’ve chosen either a default or a custom snooze time, the email will be moved to a new folder called “Scheduled”.

When the snooze time comes around, the email will automatically be moved back into your Inbox and marked as Unread.

If you want to deal with it before then, open the “Scheduled” folder, select the snoozed email, and then click the “Unsnooze” button.

This will remove the snooze reminder, move the email straight back to the Inbox, and mark it as Unread.

That’s email snoozing, Outlook-style. Well, Gmail-style done pretty much identically on Outlook Online, at any rate.