Why Make a Twitter Thread?

Twitter threads are an official and evolved form of tweetstorms. Tweetstorms are usually a long series of numbered tweets that are sent out as replies to the original tweet.

But the definition of a tweetstorm is quite loose. Even if a user tweets multiple times one after the other, without replying to the original tweet, it’s still considered a tweetstorm.

A Twitter thread can be used in multiple ways. The first way it can be used is as an explainer for a complicated topic. Brands use Twitter threads to talk about new features in an update.

I find that i only use my Apple Watch when I go for a walk on the terrace in the evening. Rest of the time it’s just sitting in the desk.

— Khamosh Pathak (@pixeldetective) April 30, 2020

One of the best-use cases for Twitter threads (and something that connects the most with the Twitter audience) is its use in storytelling.

I have gone back deep into RSS and Twitter. I’m trying new RSS apps and services (@feedbin via @prawnay).

— Khamosh Pathak (@pixeldetective) April 30, 2020

You can break a story or an experience down in 280 character nuggets and create a Twitter thread. You’re much more likely to gain traction and an audience. For a lot of people, this is a better alternative to publishing a blog, especially if this is not a regular affair.

If you’re planning to create a tweetstorm, it’s now best to use Twitter’s built-in functionality for creating multiple tweets.

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How to Make a Twitter Thread

The Twitter threads feature is integrated across all of Twitter products. You’ll find it on the Twitter website, iPhone and iPad app, and the Android app as well.

To get started, open Twitter on the platform of your choice and select the Tweet button. If you’re using the website, you’ll find it in the left sidebar. If you’re using a mobile app, it will be in the bottom-right corner of the timeline.

Now, the familiar tweet compose interface will appear.

Start writing your first tweet. If you’re creating a tweetstorm or a long thread, it’s best to number your tweets (1/5, or just 1, 2, and so on) so that people know where they are in the thread.

After writing your first tweet, don’t hit the “Tweet” button just yet. Instead, tap on the Plus (+) button.

You’ll now see a new empty tweet box. Here, type out your second tweet and tap on the Plus (+) button again to add another tweet to the thread.

Repeat this process until you’ve written all the tweets (don’t worry, you can add more tweets to the thread later as well). You can swipe or scroll up and tap on a previous tweet to edit it.

Once you’re done, tap or click on the “Tweet All” button.

Your Twitter thread will be published.

How to Start a Twitter Thread for a Published Tweet

You can go back and add additional tweets to a Twitter thread at any time, but only from the mobile app for iPhone, iPad, or Android. Just navigate to a published Twitter thread and go to the last tweet. Here, tap on the “Add Another Tweet” button.

This will take you to the Tweet compose box, linked to the previous tweets.

There’s also a shortcut to quickly reply to your most recently published tweet. This feature gives you more control and freedom over creating your Twitter thread.

Let’s say you don’t want to publish all tweets together. You can publish one tweet, come back after a while, and add one more (as you get more data or news).

To do this quickly, tap on the Tweet button from the Twitter Home Screen or app. When you see the empty compose box, just swipe down. This will show you your most recent tweet.

If you want to link the tweet as a reply to your previous tweet, just tap on the “Continue Thread” button. You can also choose a different tweet to link to by tapping on the three-dot menu button.

From here, you can select another of your recent tweets.

To unlink the new tweet, you can tap on the “Remove” button.

Once you’re done, tap on the “Tweet” button to publish the tweet.

If you like publishing Twitter threads but don’t like reading them in the Twitter interface, try using the Thread Reader App to expand and convert Twitter threads into blog posts.

New to Twitter? Here’s how you can bookmark Tweets to save them for later, hide Twitter replies, and even create Twitter lists for multiple topics and pin them to your timeline, making them easier to access.

RELATED: How to Create and Pin Twitter Lists to Your Timeline on iPhone and Android